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Animal Cruelty
Cruelty to animals is a serious matter. Like you and me, animals feel pain. Most cruelty cases happen to animals who are too trusting or defenseless. They squeal, shriek and yeowl, but are often never heard by anyone but themselves. Think about what the animal went through at the hands of a merciless criminal. Anyone who is caught committing acts of abuse, cruelty and neglect to an animal deserves to be prosecuted. YOU can help bring justice to the animals who are needlessly abused.


Adopt A Stray...Then Neuter or Spay!
Spaying and neutering greatly reduces the overpopulation of unwanted animals, which reduces the number of animals that are euthanized because there are not enough homes available for them. If people would be responsible enough to spay and neuter their pets, there would be no more strays to reproduce more unwanted litters of puppies and kittens, that eventually have to fend for themselves or end of being euthanized. Shelters across the nation have an excess of animals and not enough homes to place them in. Without spaying and neutering, over-population will ALWAYS be a problem and the animals will continue to pay the price for it.


It's Meow Or Never Animal Sanctuary
Click here to see a slide show in honor of homeless animals from It's Meow or Never.

State to State Anti-Cruelty Statutes
State to state animal laws

Adopt one....until there are none.